We are happy to announce that you can now sell any vehicle for free on EASYADZ.LK

Do you want to sell a SUV, Car or Bike? Are you planning to sell your heavy-duty vehicle? Look no further than EASYADZ, because your vehicle ad will be absolutely free of charge.

This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to find buyers to sell their vehicle, quickly!!! You are just a few clicks away, and it will cost you nothing!

Steps to sell your vehicle for free on EASYADZ.LK

If you don’t have an EASYADZ account, all you need is a mobile number OR email OR Google account OF Facebook to get started. Creating an EASYADZ account is swift and easy. Here is what you have to do:

  1. Go to www.easyadz.lk
  2. Register using your Email, Google account, Facebook or mobile number. 
  3. Then validate the account.
  4. Then ‘LOGIN’ into the account created.
  5. Click ‘POST NEW ADS’ 
  6. Click ‘Vehicles’ and choose the relevant subcategory (type of vehicle you are selling)
  7. Select the location of your vehicle Ad (district, city or town)
  8. From here on, you just have to provide the details of your vehicle, contact details and click ‘Post My Ad’

Internal verification 

We have Ad admins who oversee each Ad to ensure it meets high-quality advertisement standards. The internal verification process comes in handy for sellers because we make sure the Ad posting has everything it needs to perform well.

So, don’t wait anymore. Let’s sell your vehicle!

The Media Team

We are the individuals behind easyadz.lk, and we do our finest to make it a pleasurable experience. We hope that you liked the words we shared with you on this blog. Feel free to comment about the theme in the comment area below.


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